Thursday, 13 October 2011


TRANSITIONS can be tramatic, smooth, exciting or fearful!  For me, this transition has been part of my 2011 forcast:  "looking forward with great expectations!"  It has been so true and I still am excited about how the year has unfolded for us. 

When in May we decided to put our house up for sale there were a couple reactions - "why would you want to do that?" and "where will you be going?"  Well, we weren't going anyWHERE even though our daughter, Michelle, sent her dad information about living in Huntsville!   No, we were still staying in Scarborough - not moving to the westend either, though we had a couple family/friends that thought it would be a good idea. We went forward with our decision - sell and become apt. dwellers and renters!  "No! You shouldn't do that - waste money renting when it could go back into a house or condo! we are...renters, apt. dwellers and DEBT FREE!  YES!  For the 1st time in our 40 years of marriage, owning 3 houses, raising 2 children and now being grandparents of 5 absolutely gorgeous grandchildren, we are debt free!  John has put his notice in at work this week and will finally FULLY RETIRE at the end of the year!

Transitions?  These have been the best moments of transitions and only causes us to become more and more relaxed and at ease where we are.   We celebrate our 40th on the 29th of this month and are really happy!  So...I am still looking forward with great expectations to what the future holds - with God it can only be GOOD!  

May all of your TRANSITIONS be faced with a sense of hope and excitement - even when you have no idea what may lie ahead - for God is good and He cares about us, holding us firmly in His Hands and guiding, directing the paths of those who believe in Him!   

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths."

God's Blessings,
Jeanine, Happy with Transitions and the opportunities they offer! 

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